Saturday, September 2, 2017


even if you aren't my forever,
your tenderness is a healing balm
to my heart wounds.
the sweetness of honey,
the warmth of the sun,
the comfort of
sitting in the shower,
letting the water run


you wanted me to wash my hair
to shave and scrub and cut
my soul out of my body

you loved an idea
of me, without my unruly edges,
my feet that carry me
to far-off places.
my mouth, that drinks the sunrise.
my hands that pour out
jugs of water
to grow each living thing.
I am not me
without my wild


I should pity them
for they know nothing
of poetry
or the way the light sings,
skidding on top of the salt water
how the sun dips down,
submerged at last,
while it's cooler companion rises.
soft moon, can you teach this people
the courage that lies in kindness

Cross to bear

if love alone could heal me
you know that I'd be well
all curves and gentleness

   fresh as the morning

my family,
we are born a battle
waged inside our bodies
                      and minds

we come out struggling
against forces of heaven & hell

what sickness is this?
that floats inside our DNA,
that twists us into those,
who grit our teeth
and smile through

if love alone
could mend us
could knit together cells
and smooth the pathways
of tangled neurons...

would we be well?